Where do you think the family recipe for my suggestion came from??That's the type of loss only an Irish whiskey can cure.
Know this?It came from a rather dubious source, but I will repeat the story because I find it funny. Recently, a Scottish filmmaker was interviewing Pope Francis for a documentary called Priest School. After the interview, the filmmaker presented the Holy Father with a bottle of nice scotch. The Popes eyes lit up and he said "now this is the real holy water!"
As a Catholic and scotch drinker I found that quite funny.
Know this?
"However, upon tasting coffee, Pope Clement VIII declared that, "This Satan's drink is so delicious that it would be a pity to let the infidels have exclusive use of it." Clement allegedly blessed the bean because it appeared better for the people than alcoholic beverages. The year often cited is 1600."
Nor was you're other post, but funny nonetheless.but that's not the point of the thread