I got my left ear pierced in Tyler (Texas) mall in ~1981. You were not supposed to get the right ear pierced because that meant you were gay, and being considered gay was the worst thing you could be considered in small town Texas at age 15. It didn't make any difference, because every old person in that mall (age 20 or above, to be precise) figured I had to be gay when it was getting done. However, to me, it was cutting edge and punk. And I wanted to be both.
For about a year, or maybe 6 months, I was cutting edge with that earring. But, I just happened to catch the wave early for once, and by the time I was 16 and 17, every guy I knew in high school had some sort of earring. Metal guys, Van Halen guys, surf guys punk guys, even a few country guys. By the time my senior year was over, I had ditched the earring and never wore one again.
My son, when he was about 13 wanted to get his ear pierced. Everyone was against it but me, but I was trying to get him to mohawk his hair if he wanted me to sanction it. Go all the way. He refused to mohawk his hair. Eventually I backed off and told him to get it pierced, but none of those plug things. It wasn't, for me, the "look" of the plug or the statement, but the eventual damage it does to the earlobe. If he wanted to jack up his earlobes for good, he could do it at 18.
Right before he went into the Navy, he mohawked his hair. Now he collects tattoos I don't understand and listens to music I think is just plain bad. I am sure my mother feels the same way about me.
I had a moment once. It was this...
When I was in my senior year, I was riding in a car with a bunch of buffoons like me, and we were listening to the Animals album by Pink Floyd, and specifically "Dogs'" was playing. It was mid song, and there is sort of wailing almost siren like effect. We had the stereo at max, and I looked at the car next to us at the light and an old man was looking back at me with a look of total disgust at what he was hearing. The old "I got shot in the ass by a Nazi in the Battle of the Bulge for this?" look.
20 years later I am sitting next to some moron pumping bass to idiot gangsta rap, and giving him the same look.
Somewhere a Hipster is laughing.