What Do Pipe Smokers Do For A Living?

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Mar 22, 2011
Edgewood Texas
I love these threads, so cool to see what a wide range of people we have here.

I like pipes so much, I gave up a half decent career to put in ridiculous amounts of time for very little pay making pipes full time :lol: It's a great life, even when the pay sucks it beats the dozen other jobs I've done in life.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 22, 2015
Dunedin, NZ
I completely resent the stereotypes of pipe smokers as theologian, philosophers and physicists. It's an unfounded assumption.
I'm currently doing my PhD in theology having originally trained as a physicist.



Can't Leave
Mar 18, 2014
I am a veteran special ops soldier (37F). Now I work taking x rays in a hospital. I'm a contracted security supervisor for another hospital. I don't get to puff at work, but I do afterwards.
I also am legally self employed as an artist, but I have scaled way back on that due to time constraints.



Might Stick Around
Feb 17, 2014
I sell software from a largish American company. Originally from the UK, been in Dubai since 2002, travelling around the Middle East and Africa mainly.
The Mrs has banned all forms of tobacco consumption, but I enjoy smoking my pipe when travelling, as I frequently do for work, thankful that most hotels in the region still have smoking rooms and that the climate often allows smoking outside. And that no one knows if I'm using snus or not.



Might Stick Around
Oct 13, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
Licensed Professional Engineer. Worked 42.5 years for Federal Mining Regulatory Agency. I get paid quite well not to go to work as I have been retired over a year now. I have gone from smoking at my desk and in meetings, to smoking in 'designated' areas, to no smoking except outside the building. Of course I remember smoking during college classes, we all did as did the professors.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 23, 2012
Public works Department- Community Service Coordinator, I couldn't do this job and not smoke! LOL Seriously, I keep a Pipe going from the time I awake to the time I retire for the evening.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 26, 2013
Great Falls, VA
Newborn Intensive Care physician (neonatologist) in Northern Virginia. Been doing this for more than 35 years. Love to get up every day to go to work. BUT I would love to be put out of business!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 19, 2013
I had a long career in private practice as a Marriage and Family Therapist and also taught some at the undergrad and grad level. I also had a consulting company helping helping mostly large, family owned businesses solve internal disputes. I retired from that and have been selling real estate for 14 years.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 23, 2015
I own a small IT consulting firm. We have an office just outside of Milwaukee and another office just west of Chicago.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 22, 2013
I'm a butcher. I have time for quick smokes during breaks. A bowl will usually last from my morning walk until my walk home after work.

Reading through the thread I see a lot of different walks of life smoke pipes.



Oct 15, 2013
I started my adult life as a pharmacy technician in the military filling prescriptions for President Carter at Andrews AFB and sending them over to the White House.
In the the later part of the 70s I was part of a mobile Tactical Hospital unit setting up my pharmacy in remote locations.
After separating from the USAF I continued to practice in hospital settings with a one year stint helping develop pharmacy software for a company called Kiyo Systems.
For the past fifteen years I've been working for our hospital's anesthesia department keeping them supplied with their "tools" as the doctors call their meds.
These days it's more about robotics and automation than the old mortar and pestle skills. It's changed a lot in 38 years.
I'll be retiring this August.



Oct 15, 2013
Tarak wrote:
I'm an RN, but in management now- I manage two clinics- Family Practice and Pediatrics. 16 Providers (MD/PA), 22 nurses, see 100-150 patients s a day in my clinics.
Tarak, my son is about nine months from getting his BSN and he's still thinking about what niche of his profession he will land in. His major was psychology with a minor in business administration. I'm thinking your line of work would suit him perfectly after he becomes experienced. Right now he's thinking infomatics or psych fields. So many possibilities!



Aug 3, 2010
Johnnyreb...Well I could but would one really want it? After all you have no idea where his hands have just been!! :rofl:
But really I have to :clap: You are the only one who has commented on that...



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 31, 2014
Really interesting thread, there seems to be such a wide variety of people on this board. I'm another IT database administrator, slowly moving into the realm of Business Intelligence and working on my MCSE. This is the UK so no chance of smoking anywhere near the workplace. My wife also makes sure that I never smoke inside and Scottish winters are too cold a lot of the time so my smoking is limited to summer weekends!



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 9, 2013
Very interesting thread.
I am self-employed as a tax professional. In addition to tax return prep, I do tax planning, write opinions, consult to law firms as well as CPA firms, and help tax payers with IRS problems.
As I usually work at my home office, I could smoke here but don't for fear of leaving a room note that would offend a non-smoker conditioned to believe that baccy is the devil's craft.
A friend who worked in public accounting told stories of how a tax partner chain-smoked cigarettes and had on his desk stacks of tax returns a few feet tall with overflowing ashtrays everywhere. Occasionally he would accidentally set the returns on fire..

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