Owned an upscale pool hall for 20 years and have owned a commercial real estate plaza for the past 21 years. Always smoked in the pool hall back in the day, now I sit at home and collect rent. My manager has been running things for me since 1996.
Harris,Owned an upscale pool hall for 20 years...
johnnyreb, my pool hall was in Warwich R.I on Bald Hill Rd and was named Chalks Billiards.Looks like a nice place you had, Harris. Pictures look like it was featured in Billiards Digest or something. Sorry I never played that far up into the NE area. I started playing when I was 8 yrs old; my grandfather worked out of a plumbing shop right next door to the pool hall in our little town and I would get out of school, go to the pool hall & wait for him to get off work. As my game developed an old man there took me under his tutelage and taught me a lot. In those days we played a lot of One Pocket so I learned to play ball control & safety well. Except for a few yrs when my kids were all young and I couldn't play out much, I have been playing continuously ever since.
I have a Brunswick Gold Crown 1 with 860 on it that still has all the fiberglass skirting with it, if you remember those. I also have a Valley bar box set up to stay sharp on.