What Do Pipe Smokers Do For A Living?

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May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Owned an upscale pool hall for 20 years and have owned a commercial real estate plaza for the past 21 years. Always smoked in the pool hall back in the day, now I sit at home and collect rent. My manager has been running things for me since 1996.



Aug 21, 2014
Owned an upscale pool hall for 20 years...
What pool hall & where? I've played in a lot of pool halls where you had to be buzzed in and a few where you had to be buzzed out. Not classy but that's where the money was. I've played in a few classy places too where the owners were usually ex players and knew how to broker a game with a local for a traveling man. Maybe we've crossed paths before?



May 18, 2015
I'm a maintenance director at a long term care facility (Nursing home) in Denver. I plunge toilets and change light bulbs. Many poor decisions have been made in my life to get me where I am today.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 10, 2015
Milehighme -
In the 1970s I worked in a nursing home in maintenance from age 16 to 21. I enjoyed talking with the residents there and still think about some them. One woman living there gave me a copy of a famous book in the philosophy of science, but at the time I didn't know that. The book was Thomas Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.

Another woman there corrected my pronunciation of 'abyss' when I recited to her a nonsense poem I'd made up.
My life was enriched working there, and I like to think I was good company for the residents. Your job is important. You are giving these people a comfortable home in the last years of their lives.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 10, 2015
I help manage a small, family owned deli, but my preferred title is Sandwich Maker. Still working on that first million.



May 12, 2015
I coordinate and monitor a quality control tracking system for several work teams. Basically, if something breaks I fix it. I also let people borrow my brain cells so they can string thoughts together.
I wish I could smoke my pipe at work. I'm still a beginner and would feel a little uncomfortable whipping out a pipe in the outdoor smoking area this early in the game.
Also, I'm new to smoking in general and I absolutely cannot stand cigarette smoke, so hanging out with the cigarette smokers would be difficult for me. Is that odd?



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
johnnyreb, my pool hall was in Warwich R.I on Bald Hill Rd and was named Chalks Billiards. I closed it in 2010 as people just were not playing as much and I just rented the space instead. I had 19 solid oak Murrey tables with carved legs and leather drop pockets. I had Simonis 860 on a number of tables for the players. We were famous for having the cleanest and most well kept pool hall in N.E. Our hosue cues were Dufferin D1500, best money could buy, and we kept them pristine,only used LePro tips that were shaped and rougghed up on a constant basis. Used Brunswick Centenials on every table and they were polished at least once a day depending on how busy it was. We had some players and even had some pros come through. It was a fantastic business the first 18 years. Here are a few pics.



Apr 26, 2013
Spent the last 20+ years doing whatever the Army told me to. Finished this fall, I am looking forward to the next chapter.
GI Bill 100% intact so default plan is to get a Masters in education/ Teaching cert. Middle school and older is my target audience, maybe community college.
In a perfect world, I would like to be a corporate trainer. I am VERY good at instructing horribly boring stuff in ways that people are entertained AND still learn.



Aug 21, 2014
johnnyreb, my pool hall was in Warwich R.I on Bald Hill Rd and was named Chalks Billiards.
Looks like a nice place you had, Harris. Pictures look like it was featured in Billiards Digest or something. Sorry I never played that far up into the NE area. I started playing when I was 8 yrs old; my grandfather worked out of a plumbing shop right next door to the pool hall in our little town and I would get out of school, go to the pool hall & wait for him to get off work. As my game developed an old man there took me under his tutelage and taught me a lot. In those days we played a lot of One Pocket so I learned to play ball control & safety well. Except for a few yrs when my kids were all young and I couldn't play out much, I have been playing continuously ever since.
I have a Brunswick Gold Crown 1 with 860 on it that still has all the fiberglass skirting with it, if you remember those. I also have a Valley bar box set up to stay sharp on.


Can't Leave
Apr 29, 2015
I spent 16 years as a clinical psychologist, specializing in compulsive behaviors. For the past 12 years I've been a psychology instructor at a small college. There were about 3 years of overlap, so I've actually been working for about 25 years.
Before that I paid for college as a housepainter.
In high school I was a soda jerk at a tiny little mom and pop ice cream shop. Definitely my best job!
We smoke outside on campus, but short breaks between classes mean I tend to favor small pipes and short smokes.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
johnny, the old guys love one pocket because they are only using half a table. lol I played 9 ball, and got pretty good. One of my customers was a pro and I gave him the run of the place and he taught me a lot. One time Keith Mcready and Dennis Hatch hung out for a few days, it was intersting to say the least. lol Sounds like you have some nice equipment, good for you. I haven't picked up a stick in a long time even though I still have mine.



Sep 8, 2014
Moody, AL
Interesting question... Always nice to give some depth to the group.
Currently I'm professionally disabled. Technically I'm a government contractor in charge of sitting around and wasting space and resources. I do this job to the best of my ability.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 2, 2014
I'm a Head Hunter / Executive Recruiter with a small boutique executive search firm. I specialize in Accounting & Finance related search work. No smoking at work unfortunately as I'm meeting with clients regularly.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 4, 2012
Started off as an elecrtical engineer. Then bush pilot. Then manager of northern/arctic airline. Then 737 pilot. Now training horses and wriring custom software. Work on my own ranch so no pipe restrictions.



Can't Leave
Nov 28, 2012
Retail. Backend overnights. Been doing it for nearly 7 years. Not quite what I imagined I'd be doing but it's money.



Might Stick Around
Aug 28, 2013
I am a Project Manager of Mining and Industrial mega projects ($2bn+) currently working for the worlds second largest mining company, building a $5bn Aluminium Smelter.
I tend move every two years or so and have lived and worked across Australia, Europe and am now living in Northern BC Canada.
We can't smoke on site, but I work in my home office extensively after hours and this affords the luxury of the occasional bowl.

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