Good work Dad! Well deserved ?A little father son time, Home from college and his younger brother’s high school graduation. Proud dad! Enjoy the good things in moderation. Me: Cohiba Red. Him: Kentucky Dark Fired Muwat. Both. Redemption wheated bourbon old fashioned. View attachment 80892
I think you're dead on about them being a pipe smoker's cigar. You might want to try the "swamp" versions that add a candela wrapper. I've joked before that they're kind of obnoxious tasting, but sometimes I want that! Like, I feel the same way about Gawith, Hogarth & Co. Dark Flake Scented/Aromatic.Not sure whether to compare this more to an English, Scottish, or Dutch blend, but this has all the smoke, cocoa, nuts, and bread of all of the above. I find most 'gars a bit difficult to get into, but these Drew Estate Kentucky fire-cured MUWATs are a real pipe smokers cigar.
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