In my further explorations of HBO Max I'm watching Westworld. I've been curious about the series, but haven't watched it.
For those who are unfamiliar with the HBO hit, the central premise is an Old West Amusement park staffed by androids, who's job it is to totally satisfy the needs and demands of the human customers. It would appear that human needs and desires largely consist of butchery, murder, rape, sodomy, child molestation, necrophilia, and other wholesome entertainments that the Park indulges. I'm sure these are all part of your every day activities.
Of course, there is deeper context than the constant violence, sexual or otherwise, and blown apart bodies draped everywhere. There is the question of whether androids are just machines or another life form that should not be subjected to human depravity, even if it is profitable, accompanied by dime book speculation on the meaning of life and existence. But fear not, such shallow ponderings in deep waters do not long delay scenes of violence, spattered cranial matter, bouncing titties, and blood splattered EVERYWHERE, as well as rape and torture. Gotta keep the humans entertained.
Very good talent, good enough to make the writing sound like more than the cryptic mumbo jumbo that it is, and equally fine production values including a very fine opening credit sequence and pretty good musical scoring, all servicing mediocre creatives.
3.2 out of 5