Did some low calorie snacking, and am near the last quarter of this bowl of unreleased 2021 Sutliff VaPer in a mid-2000 decade Tom Eltang straight black sand blasted canted AJ Dublin with a cream and brown horn ferrule, and a tapered black acrylic stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink. Fed all the ferals except for the absent Abner the Eager. For some reason, Tomato the Brave got mad at Daisy the Feral Princess, and there was back and forth hissing. I was surprised because they've been together for about eight years, and they usually get along. I very seldom see them misbehave. Anyway, I scolded Tomato, and put him outside. Daisy wanted outside, so I let her go. At least I have some peace and quiet with Sleepy Suzy by my side as she has been all evening.