Tonight I had four bowls in a row.
#1. Blend 60% Byzantium with 30% diced Newmister Superior Round Slices, and an extra 10% Latakia to keep the smokiness up. Sweet and mildly smokey, I'd say each component comes through almost equally, it's a bit surprising how commanding the Round Slices are when it's only 30% of the overall blend.
#2. A Re-blend of my home version of Revelation, now with more Sutliff Mature Red, plus a tiny bit of J4 Burley and St. James Flake scraps (I can never get those flakes to burn on their own so I may as well blend it out).
This time with the Latakia and Kentucky diluted down it's much less salty and more just savory, not quite as consistent in flavor as the Byzantium/Newminster blend.
#3 Leftover Macbaren scraps from six years ago blended with 30% Latakia and 15% Perique, it actually makes quite a decent English blend despite having no clue what the majority of the tobacco is.
#4. Home blend imitating Early Morning Pipe, basically just Kendal Gold mixed with English Oriental Supreme, a bit of Mature Red VA, and then a small booster shot of Latakia.
Kendal Gold is very bitey when fresh, but now that it's been in the jar for a few months this blend is actually quite pleasant. Just an overall light savory sweet blend, and of course it lights quickly and burns like a dream.
Interestingly even while smoking pipes for three hours straight on an empty stomach it still only took a bottle of Dr. Pepper to prevent any signs of Nicotine overdose.
In general I still don't know if I can identify what exactly Nicotine does to me other than when I do overdose and my head starts spinning.