So if you instantly want to feel miserable about all the other pipes in your collection, go and trade with @ashdigger for some britwood. Taking this 1898 Charles Maas for a test drive with Revor plug
Nearing the half way mark on this bowl of year 2016 Orlik Golden Sliced in an early 20th century Gordon Special Bruyere 49 apple with a triangular shank and black vulcanite stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink.
B&M English of some kind, MB Dark Twist, and Luxury Navy Flake out of this estate Chacom reserve half bent billiardish I'm smoking an estate ghost out of.
What do you guys think. Billiard? Seems a little curvy for a billiard, but it doesn't quite get squashed enough to be an apple or hipped enough to be a brandy. But maybe it does?