Haunted Bookshop in a Peterson St. Pat's '21 15 Straight Billiard. Had some Sutliff Pumpkin Spice earlier at a Shakespeare rehearsal in a Peterson Aran Rustic 68 Bent Brandy. Watching more ID channel shows with the wife.
Oom Pauls are my favorite favorite car clenchers. I have a cheap Crown model that lives in my car full time, but I take the nice Sav out a lot.! I really love the 614; stellar jawhanger. I don't know the blend, but I like Sutliff's stuff so I'm sure it's satisfactory.
My doc doesn't know about this.Since I'm behind I grabbed an Ascorti Business KS & stuffed it about half full with Frigate. I do love this stuff; many thanks to Duane!
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Spectacular pipe, friend, to enjoy...........................Hello, old friends, too long no talk! Hope y'all-all are doing spiffy! Not bad here, better in some ways than others.A couple of weeks week behind on my smokes, but i made up for it.
A nice chubby-stemmed Mauro Armellini thin-walled pot I hadn't unwrapped from long ago, at least two years. Fatte a Mano, with a *real* surprise I ran across cleaning out the car -- some C&D Irish Blessing, the very last dregs of an old tin from back before all my heart trouble. AND get this -- still moist. Daggone, this is smooth, & not too sweet, even.
Good to see you all!
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I'm very sorry, dear friend....................View attachment 97853
I’m smoking Wessex Brigade Campaign Dark Flake in a MM Mark Twain. I’ll be having a bourbon this evening, after receiving news of the death of a dear friend. My, how things can change in the blink of an eye.
You could have walked to Florida!Done ? over 900,000 steps now; not long to go!