Germain's King Charles Smoking Mixture in an old Ben Wade 'County' Lovat. This is a creamy Virginia-Oriental with a very moderate, condimental portion of Latakia. The depth and balance are astounding.
Just getting this in under the wire for September. Took my last "Smoking Bus" shot in late August, a bowl of Green Dragon in my little Lavat by @GarageMadePipeTool, and then things FINALLY slowed down enough on the new job that I was able to take a walk, and have a pipe of Esoterica Tilbury in a Savinelli Punto Oro tonight on the lot. Even had a little smoking buddy for a couple of minutes.
Now smoking D&R Raccoon’s Friend in a pre-1980s straight dark brown Comoy's Sandblast 186 billiard with a black vulcanite tapered stem. Cleaned a few pipes, and am going to work as I listen to the rest of the ball game.
Riding the winged Pegasus into the morning with a late 70’s freehand by Elliott Nachwalter from The Briar Workshop. The coffee is perfect this morning. Morning to you all.