Did some low calorie snacking, and am not far from finishing this bowl of year 2016 D&R Three Sails in a dark brown smooth straight post-WW2-pre-1962 LHS Certified Purex 24 squat bulldog with a nickel ferrule and built in stinger and a black acrylic saddle stem. Lately, Harry the Hairy, who always comes to the back door when I open it, has managed to sneak in to the house several times. We usually put him right back out, but I decided to leave him in this evening to see what would happen. I shut the hall door so he wouldn't go to the bedroom to upset Molly Danger, who still hasn't recovered from the shock of Sam and her scampers. He stayed in the den and kitchen, ate a bit, and didn't try bugging either Daisy the Feral Princess, Tomato the Brave or Sleepy Suzy (who was on m'lady's lap). He spent a lot of time on my lap soaking in attention, but after about a half hour, I think he was bored/nervous or something, and wanted out. All went well.