Knocked out some sundry tasks late this afternoon/early evening with a flake of OGS in a Stefano rhodesian as my companion. Completely redeemed my experience yesterday, foolishly trying to have a half-flake of Peterson flake without drying it. As though I've learned nothing in the four years I've been on here...might as well have just stuffed some of my mustang's feces in the bowl and lit up! Glad to be back on track again. 9/10
Bird report: California scrub-jay, Steller's jay, House finch, American crow, Oak titmouse, White-breasted nuthatch, Mourning dove, Hairy woodpecker, Red-tailed hawk, California quail, California towhee, Mountain chickadee, White-crowned sparrow, Anna's hummingbird, and Northern flicker. Another full cast today.