Been a few days since my last pipe, and with an infrequent Mac Baren Plumcake exception, also been a few months since my last latakia blend. Loaded up a Savinelli Bacco 321 rusticated author with my 2nd to last bowl of ASTB (sample), and shared a glass of brandy with wifey in the workspace as we took care of some fabrication for a project tomorrow. She even tried the blend, said it tasted like the back of an old storeroom where they keep stuff that doesn't sell too often. I thought that summed it up pretty nicely! 9/10
Bird report: California towhee, Dark-eyed junco, White-crowned sparrow, House finch, Golden-crowned sparrow, California quail, California scrub-jay, Steller's jay, Hairy woodpecker, Band-tailed pigeon, American crow, Mountain chickadee, Northern flicker, and Western bluebird.
Got down to 22 last night. 'Tis the season!