A third of a bowl left of year 2020 D&R Raccoon’s Friend in a pre-1980s straight dark brown Comoy's Sandblast 186 billiard with a tapered black vulcanite stem. Snacking follows this smoke.
Tomato the Brave has become more territorial. Abner the Eager hasn't shown up at night the past number of days with the exception of yesterday at 6 a.m. Otherwise, he's just around here in the afternoon, and isn't sticking around as he had. Maybe he's spending more time at home or somewhere else? I've seen Tomato chase him away at night more than once, but he doesn't seem to do that in the day time. Sam the Scamp hasn't been here for four days as far as I can tell. The absence of those two may explain why Shy Stripesy has come around every evening now. She probably feels safer. Daisy the Feral Princess snuck in the house, so I let her eat even though Molly Danger was extremely upset about it. After Daisy ate, I was going to put her out, but she must have hidden herself from me. About an hour later, I found her snoozin' in the den.