Shaping up to be a two pipe day for me, due to the unusually warm morning (low 50s). After our usual Sabbath breakfast, it seemed natural to throw my robe over my PJs and have a morning smoke on the deck in the sun. Went with my old VA standby, Ashton Gold Rush, in my Stefano Santambrogio bent Rhodesian, which worked out perfectly since it was already previously dried. Cup of Earl Grey tea with that. Planning on going lunting after lunch to work off some of my last two dinners; leaning toward Sutliff Lavish English #17 in my MM Country Gent. Bird report (so far): White-breasted nuthatch, California scrub-jay, Steller's jay, California towhee, Oak titmouse, Mountain chickadee, California thrasher. House finch, White-crowned sparrow, Chipping sparrow, Dark-eyed junco, Red-tailed hawk, and Western bluebird.
Happy weekend everyone!