First a bowl of home blend "Bayou Cream" Equal parts Z92 Vanilla Custard with Bayou Morning, smoked in one of the recent Ropp Géant pipes from
This blend sat in a tub for a while before I got to it so it was somewhat dry, the Vanilla wasn't nearly as strong as I was expecting but it was still the dominant flavor, with just a hint of Perique coming through. The flavor was very consistent, almost no change until the very end.
Having dried out some it burned like wildfire, which for me is only positive so I consider this blend a wild success.
After finishing this bowl I added a bit of Perique and Kentucky to fill out the flavors.
Second bowl was straight Low County Virginia & Oriental in a Viprati Lumberman. The tobacco still has some moisture so it burned well but not fast (some reviews state this blend is supposed to burn very fast so with moisture I'd say it's just a medium burn).
The Virginia & Orientals tasted almost exactly like unflavored popcorn, not bad but not too full flavored, hopefully it'll make a good base to blend in some tough burning Virginia Flake.
The side profile image of the Ropp Géant on only hinted at the ring grain that fills out the other sides of the bowl, a very nice sandblast.