Back in the late afternoon after saying goodbye to an old friend, and felt like a smoke. Figured I'd go with one of the cheapest (and best smoking) pipes I own, the Muxiang "Uncle Henry". Cost me 24 bucks Canadian, so is about the same price as the meer miniature (15 bucks US) I posted this morning, so I'll dig up another el cheapo for this evening to round out today's festivities.
Smoked "Skragg" in the Uncle. If you remember, it's a bunch of tailings with 35% dried parsly added, that I had developed over the past year. In a stroke of brilliance about 6 months ago, I added a good pinch of C&D Latakia to it, and it has remained dormant since then. Did a loose 2 pack and expected the worst. Danged if I didn't get 40 minutes out of it. Danged if it wasn't all that bad. Will rechristen it "Popeye's Surprise Garden English," or something of that ilk. The moniker "skragg" was applied, in my area, to a tall, relatively unattractive girl, not a floozie. We had other names for them. Think Olive Oyl. hence the Popeye reference. A bit floral, but went well with the Renaissance Dances and the out of tune recorders, rackets, reed flutes and sackbutts I was listening too.
I'll have to really come up with something tonight to top this one, eh?