I haven't posted the last few days since all I've been smoking is Sutliff 507C Virginia Slices, and it wouldn't have been too interesting to read me just saying, "Sutliff Virginia Slices" 6 times in a row, but this afternoon I'm mixing it up with some Orlik Golden Sliced! I'm sipping it in the Morgan Bones Milan, which really is my favorite Virginia pipe.
It was a really neat experience going back and smoking my old favorite Orlik Golden Sliced again after smoking the Sutliff Virginia Slices the past few days, because it led me to notice a couple things about Orlik Golden Sliced that I had never noticed before.
They're extremely similar bright Virginia flakes with all the usual grass, hay, lemon, citrus, floral, and occasional tea or honey notes you find in a bright Virginia; but the Sutliff's primary note you taste the most is lemon whereas with the Orlik the main note is floral. It almost tastes like a really mild Lakeland at times. There's also a tiny bit of stewed fruit and peppercorn flavor from the Perique in the Orlik that I honestly never noticed at all before in the hundred times I've smoked it, until I directly compared it to the Sutliff Virginia Slices by smoking them back to back. Nifty stuff!
I truly love them both and Orlik Golden Sliced will always have a special place in my heart (and my pipe), but when it really comes down to it I think I prefer the Sutliff 507C Virginia Slices for my everyday rotation bright Virginia! I never thought Orlik Golden Sliced would be dethroned in my rotation, but I just can't get enough of the Sutliff's naturally lemony flavor!