Had Mac Baren Vanilla Cream (running low...going to try the flake next) in a blasted Barling egg while finishing up more ranch chores. Great smoke, 9.2/10. It has been some time since I smoked this deep-chambered beast--I should use it more often. An early World No Tobacco Day resolution perhaps?
Bird report: California quail, California scrub-jay, Steller's jay, Mountain chickadee, Dark-eyed junco, House finch, White-breasted nuthatch, Common raven, Red-tailed hawk, Cooper's hawk, Northern flicker, Mourning dove, and California towhee.
Listening to soon-to-be birthday boy Morrissey and eagerly awaiting an eggplant parmesan dinner. Hope everyone is slogging their way through this week; is it going by extra slow or is it just me?