Went to bed early, but woke up, and checked on the cats since it has been raining the last few hours. I fed Sleepy Suzy and Daisy the Feral Princess apart from each other which took a little time as both were hungry, and a tad nervous. Them I saw the motion light come on, and Abner the Eager was sitting on the doormat. I opened the door to let him in, and both Tomato the Brave and Harry the Hairy came running. Harry terrified Abner with his yowling, so I let Abner inside to eat under my supervision. I fed Harry, and let Tomato in, too, but kept him away from Abner. After Abner ate his dry food, he hid in the food cabinet because he's afraid of Tomato, and of going back outside. But, I had to do that, and giving Abner some attention did not erase the very sad look on his face. At least there's shelter from the rain if Abner chooses to use it. After that, I was able to feed Tomato wet food, which he gets twice a day. Tomato is laying on the couch, and I will keep him in because he was neutered, and won't spray like Abner might. Now, I'm going to let Sam the Scamp out of lock up, and go to bed at last.
Finished this bowl of Watch City Queequeg’s Moby Dick Series in a slight bend smooth brown post WWII 1940s Sasieni Ivory 101 Westminster diplomat with a black vulcanite saddle stem.