Not far from finishing this bowl of 2017 Watch City Deluxe Crumb Cut in a 2016 Peretti's M.T. Natural made in Holland straight smooth brown Algerian briar billiard with a tapered black acrylic stem. This pipe has only seen this blend and does very well.
Yesterday: Abner the Eager showed up today with a completely healed leg, and a big appetite. He got plenty of attention, but left because Harry the Hairy made him nervous. Harry’s spending a lot of time here lately, and tries to sneak in the house, too. Tomato the Brave was afraid to go near the back door this afternoon because of Harry. It was raining, so I picked Tomato up and brought him inside for about an hour. On two occasions, he wanted to go out, but when he would see Harry on the other side, Tomato ran back behind my chair. He stayed on top of it for a while, which seldom happens. I figure that was his safe spot from Sam and her two scampers. After m’lady cleaned out the scampers’ litter box, Daisy the Feral Princess showed her contempt for them by laying in it.