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Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Almost finished smoking this bowl of Mac Baren HH Burley Flake in a straight smooth dark brown 1918 Pre-Republic Peterson’s Dublin 2 apple with a silver band and a tapered black vulcanite p-lip stem. Snacking follows this smoke. Ice water and bergs is my drink.


Nov 30, 2020
Sydney, Australia
Celebrating Mother’s’ Day a week early simply because son no2 didn’t check his calendar 😏
Nonetheless it was a lovely family lunch
The newly weds told us we were having an addition to our family
Not quite what my wife and I were expecting.
But having met Nuomi (a King Charles Cavalier - short haired Jack Russell cross) we are more than delighted

Looking at a couple of VaPers today
The first is a bowl of
Germain’s Royal Jersey Perique

In a Tom Eltang canted bent egg with a vulcanite saddle stem
Aug 11, 2022
Cedar Rapids, IA
I wanted a bowl of some Virginia before bed, but I wasn’t feeling the Peterson Flake I’ve got open. So I went ahead and cracked the C&D Opening Night I ordered recently (@cosmicfolklore ’s recommendation), rubbed some out, and filled my Savinelli 313 Prince.


The tin is only just a year old, so this goes against my sorta-plan to smoke the oldest stuff first and give my newer tins more time to age, but I really wanted to try a Virginia blend with less casing/topping. So far I’m liking it: nice subtle flavors, with a mild sweetness. My only complaint is that I’m having trouble keeping it lit. Probably because I just cracked the tin, it’s really humid out (matches aren’t starting easily either)… and I just suck at pipes. puffy


Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Now smoking year 2018 Sutliff Dunhill Elizabethan Match in a 1980 smooth walnut finish quarter bend Peterson 505 Rhodesian silver spigot military mount with a black vulcanite saddle stem fishtail bit. Watching an episode of Zane Gray Theater.


Jul 9, 2011
Last Saturday evening at the Chicago Show, the same group of friends gathered at a table in the smoking tent, ready to sample another of Rolando’s vintage tobaccos. This time it was a 70-year-old cutter-top tin of The Savory Blend (Yes, the same Savory Tobacco company that produced the original Baby’s Bottom).
The tin is opened, and again, unbelievably, it is moist and tightly packed! The tobacco aroma is a delectably strong mix of deep Virginia and Latakia. We proceed to fill our pipes. (I’m smoking my Peterson Sherlock Holmes blasted Hudson.) Then, we fire up.
Holy Shite!
Like the Durbar we smoked the night before, it is sublime. The flavor is full, yet oh so mellow. The Syrian Latakia has become almost a specter, a deep, mouth-filling smoothness that enriches the tangy aged Virginia. An absolute masterpiece of tobacco flavor.
This is the kind of thing that happens at a pipe show: friendship, camaraderie, and the sharing of tobacco. It is an opportunity for the newer members of the community to be welcomed and to have a chance to explore, with seasoned smokers, the history, the lore, the varied opinions, and the consensus relating to tobacco and pipes.
Get Thee to a Pipe Show!


Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Part way through this bowl of Wilke No. 515 Double Shot in a smooth dark medium bend 2021 Peterson Heritage Brown POTY 4AB No. 45/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. This is No. 515 with twice the rum of the Basil Rathbone blend. Fed the ferals, threw catnip balls for Molly Danger to bat around. I'm a couple days behind reading baseball box scores, so I'm catching up now.


Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Almost half way through this bowl of year 2016 Peter Heinrichs Dark Strong Kentucky in an undated family era Sasieni Natural Four Dot Grosvenor smooth medium brown quarter bend bulldog with a black tapered vulcanite stem. I'll end the day with this smoke.


Nov 14, 2020
It’s Friday evening at the Chicago Show. We’re gathered at a table in the smoking tent, a group of good friends ready to sample a vintage tobacco, 70-year-old Durbar. Rolando has acquired a cutter-top tin that he wants to open and share. Fred says, “Are you sure? It’s probably worth more than $1500.” Rolando replies, with a smile, “But if I sell it, I’ll never know what it tastes like.”
The cutter does its job and Rolando peels back the top. Unbelievably, it is still quite moist! And the aroma is intoxicating. Strong, sweet Virginia and Oriental redolence. Dark luxuriant color. We dig in, pack our pipes and light up.
The flavor is amazing, full, mellow, sweet, and sapid. We are all of one mind: this stuff is a “magic smoke.” As I puff on my GBD Fantasy 864 Dublin (with a replacement stem made by Jim Cooke, back when he did repairs) one thought stands out in my mind, how lucky to be involved with good friends brought together in a community of folk who enjoy smoking pipes in warm camaraderie and mutual respect.

You forgot your pic! LOL 😆

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