Peterson Sherlock Holmes in the Medico Whitewall billiard. Nostalgic for me, as this was the first non-aromatic I ever tried. Sipping an iced tea and watching my feathered friends soar by.
Bird report: California scrub-jay, Common raven, Steller's jay, White-breasted nuthatch, Red-tailed hawk, Western kingbird, California quail, House finch, Hairy woodpecker, and American robin. Thankfully, the robins have not been attacking our car windows and mirrors this year, knock on wood.
Speaking of birds, chicken dinner (don't even think about calling me a hypocrite!) the past two nights means a chicken noodle soup dinner with the carcass. Afterwards? Very excited to watch a DVD I borrowed from my friend, Miles Electric: A Different Kind of Blue. This features his performance at the Isle of Wight festival in 1970, which to this day I have never seen in full. Should be a nice evening.