Big N Burley in an MM Country Gentleman
I'm glad Yorktown worked out for you. I devoted one of my 4ABs to it, so I had to cellar a lot. If you haven't tried Derringer, I'll recommend that as well.I believe you are one of a few that persuaded me to try it. No regrets.
Just an update for accuracy: I fully cleaned the meer to prevent ghosting of the perique and latakia from the Whatever. When i went back outside about 7:15 I was just in time to see the mother cardinal push the two female young outside the nest into the nearby hedge. They fluttered around my back yard trees and my neighbors trees for about an hour and are now returning (8:20) to the nest for a well earned rest.While outside enjoying the sun and wildlife, a 3/4 bowl of The Country Squire 'Whatever ?????' in a Pioneer full bent billiard meerschaum with discolored (despite repeated cleaning) vulcanite stem; drink was last of the days columbian coffee and light cream followed by Bromleys Estate Tea with milk. Its best to load this pipe with a pipe cleaner in place and larger leaves on bottom as the draft hole inside bowl is large and inverted keyhole shape; draft hole in shank is much smaller; this prevents blockage. All good and peaceful; hoping your day is same.
As for bird report, the Cardinals are busy feeding their young who seem to have hatched in the pine near the garage; the wrens are doing the same in a woodpecker hole in my attic (have to patch once they leave nest); two sets of Robins are sharing the Japanese Yew bush in front of picture window which has apparently gone condo and the baby dear are busy in the back fern garden eating whatever birdseed they can snag from the chipmunks. Tonight the Screech owls will once again be teaching their 4 offspring to trill and hunt in the woods as they do every year for 5 weeks (this is the end of week one.)
@Carol Nice pipe; I enjoyed the Luxury Navy Flake in my clay pipes. Try not to break it! The stem of my church warden pipe broke after smoking while at the Redcoats and Revolutionaries event...P.S. Luxury Navy Flake in a long clay. Hope everyone's having a great weekend.View attachment 147970