Finished the pipe of Semois' Reserve du Patron, and now I'm trying out another Semois blend Le Petit Robin for the first time; in a Falcon twister.
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This is good! Very good! It's got the same nutty mineral Semois Burley notes as Reserve du Patron, but with the addition of some mystery tobaccos that based on their flavor I'm guessing are some bright Virginias and dark fired Virginias. There's a definite smokiness in this blend that reminds me a lot of Gawith's dark fired Virginias. It could be dark fired Kentucky, but I'm pretty sure it's dark fired Virginia.
Le Petit Robin comes in an extra fine shag cut and the different tobacco varietals seem to form their own little clumps in the mix, so you'll get some patches in the bowl with more Semois, some with more bright Virginia, and some with more dark fired leaf. There's a good bit of variety in flavors going on here and I think this will be a fun one to sit back and spend time tasting and figuring out.