Been crazy busy for three days, with no let up for at least two more. Currently analyzing my pistol targets and would like to chronograph velocities with my guns for field target knockdown power with the selected fodder. Will probably post that in a day or two. In the mean time, here are two brand new toys of another nature . . . .
I mentioned a couple of days ago that I gave Stu my cob, and here's the replacement. And Sobrbiker has been torturing me with visual images of a little Pete he has in some of his terrific slice of life posts, and decided I was going to buy one like it as a birthday present to myself in April. So when I picked up the cob and a few packs of cigars for Lenten festivities at Sheffield's, I noticed a small Pete on their display walls, and foolishly asked to see it. Not exactly like his, but fairly close . . . an apple bowl (I think?), sandblasted, petite and elegant but surprisingly with a medium sized bowl. I was offered a very good price because it was the demo model and the last one. A better price than I could get from down south or England. . . . . no shipping. I was about $60 bucks short and went home a bit disappointed.
So made the decision yesterday to withdraw my weekly food budget, which is about $60, got a ride downtown to Sheffields hoping that the pipe was still there. It's not. It's in the photo below.
I'll complete the story and smoking report maybe tomorrow after some paperwork and chrony analysis if I get it done before my self-imposed deadline. In the meantime, here it is by itself. The cob'll be put on the back burner for a bit.