I discovered Pu’erh tea at a local tea shop when they had some brewed up for customers to try. If you have a local tea store, that would be a great place to start. If not, there are many offerings on line.
You could get some ripe Pu’erh packaged in tea bags or a couple ounces of loose leaf.
Here is a good article on types of Pu’erh.
What is pu-erh? Pu-erh is an aged, partially fermented tea. In China, what westerners typically refer to as black tea is called red tea, with black tea referring only to teas such as pu-erh that are fermented and aged. The tea is named after the city of Pu-erh in Yunnan province. Bordering Laos...
I usually buy a pound of it loose from Davidson Tea. I buy the small pressed cakes from a local Herb and Tea store like the one I posted yesterday.
Numi brand makes good tea as well.