Admiral’s Choice in one of my many oxblood colored $5 size Marxman Benchmade Square Panel had carved pipes from the Good War era.
For 19 years, from the trough of the Great Depression through WW2 and until the end of the Korean War, Bob and Helen Marx only made righteous pipes from the best smoking grade of Algerian briar at 27 W 24 NYC 10 NY, and they quit wealthy and lived happily ever after.
People that claim there’s no real difference between how briar pipes smoke ought to buy and try a fresh Pre 54 Marxman.

My Daddy used to come in from his milk barn where he produced school lunch grade whole milk and we’d eat supper and he’d ask me to fetch Mama’s guitar and she’d serenade us like she did when she was the headliner pretty girl singer at the 1946 Camdenton J-Bar-H Rodeo.
Jealous Heart - Charlie Dicks version
If I’m not a good man I can’t blame the parents who raised me.