Enjoying a bowl of Drew Estate Harvest On Hudson in a Peterson Shannon 06 billiard (becoming quite the workhorse lately) while I do some menial organizational tasks in the workspace. Spring will be overtaken by winter tomorrow night, so I better get a couple in while I can...
Bird report: Dark-eyed junco, California scrub-jay, Spotted towhee, House finch, American crow, Steller's jay, California towhee, California quail, White-crowned sparrow, Red-tailed hawk, American robin, Western bluebird, Northern flicker, and Mourning dove.
Change of pace -- Visions of Celephais in a BriarWorks dedicated to the aromatics. The bird report up here (
@Servant King and others who care) is similar to down south: Stellar's and scrub jays; towhees; junkos; the occasional crow and raven; but also turkey vultures, red-winged hawks; a hummingbird we haven't quite placed (not an Anna's) and tons -- I mean tons -- of chickadees. Spring broke up here in just a few days, which is wild.
Keep that up and you'll drive the birds away...