One would think that with a new-to-me Peterson estate in the fold as of Friday, and perhaps half a dozen Peterson blends in the cellar, my St. Patrick's Day decision should be effectively made for me...
...but I'm about as Irish as Larry Davis is, so you'd be dead wrong. Not to mention ready to be hakken me a tchainek over my meshugenah shtick! Oy, spell check doesn't like that last sentence one bit...
Solani ABF in a Savinelli Porto Cervo 122 rusticated bent pot. Took forever to dry too.
Bird report: California scrub-jay, Dark-eyed junco, House finch, Steller's jay, California towhee, Spotted towhee, American crow, White-crowned sparrow, and Northern flicker. None of the above were wearing green, but they move way too fast for pinching. So sue me.
Enjoy the day, folks!