Almost half way through this bowl of year 2016 Orlik Golden Sliced in an early 20th century Gordon Special Bruyere 49 apple with a triangular shank and black vulcanite stem. This pipe is an outstanding smoker! Ice water and bergs is my drink.
Enjoying a bowl of Maximus Decimus Meridius English crumble cake in a Kaywoodie Redroot billiard with a bent oval shank and stem. Very tasty smoke!View attachment 135501View attachment 135502
St Bruno Flake in a Peterson System Standard B42. Pretty sure this pipe has the largest chamber of all my pipes. So far its been making for a cool, dry, long smoke.
Kramer's Blend for Cary Grant in my small Scott's Dublin, with a bit of Elijah Craig Small Batch bourbon, as the sun sets. (I'm trying for an inoffensive blend since I'm heading outside with my wife, but one that will go with the bourbon.) Hope everyone has a good evening.