The tin of Richmond Navy Cut is close to its end. I have some of it in my only pipe with bamboo, another Greek made GL pipe, from the friend and carver Mr George Leousis. I find the shape thin, fine and elegant.
Greek language has 3 genders: masculine, feminine, neutral. The pipe is a feminine, in Greek "πίπα", in Latin alphabet "pipa" but sounds like "peepa". There is another word, a neutral one, in Greek "τσιμπούκι" ("tsimbouki") - sounds like "cheemboukee". This comes from the Turkish "çubuk", Greeks have lived under (together with) the Turks for 400 years, and hundreds Turkish words are used in Greek. But "çubuk" in Turkish does not mean smoking pipe, it means a wooden stick or a tree branch. This makes sense if you think of the very long pipes of the Ottoman Empire era (as presented in paintings and drawings). Anyway, this second word ("tsimbouki") is seldom used anymore, everybody say "pipa".
And to me personally, the pipe is definitely a "She". Especially this one.
But enough with the grammar. Let's smoke. And enjoy the weekend.
Greetings from Athens, good people.