Good morning smoke of Gold Block in a MM original cob with coffee,Happy Monday(Love Monday since I retired!)?
Erinmore is pretty great, in my opinion. I just may crack a tin open this afternoonI feel like a kid in a candy shop with the owner tied up in the corner. Just got a marvellous selection of samples from Marconi (bless you sir). I started with 3 Nuns in the Aristocob and was quite impressed, now I’m trying the Erinmore Flake. My fear of it was totally unfounded, I was expecting a cloying aro after mentions of pineapple and juicy fruit in reviews but It’s nothing like I expected, much stronger for a start. I have a wonderful day of pipe smoking ahead of me with many new things to try. Hope you all have as good a day as I will as the hardest thing I’ll be doing is deciding what baccy to try next.
Ya, about 30 minutes. It smoked fine. I was happy with that. But I was hoping for more flavour.Did you dry it out any?
I'll try this when I come around to it again.I like Cabbies best when it's almost crispy dry.