Matured red Va.s, stoved burley and St. James perique barrel aged in rum for thirty days. The rum does not bury the tobaccos. I'm still working on a complete review.Hi Jim,
What’s the basic flavor profile of No. 6?
When I was at the Sutliff plant a couple of years ago, they had bags of DP plugs, Match Victorian plugs, and a couple of straight Va. plugs in a dump carrier. Rather than throw them away (I have absolutely no idea why they rejected most of them), they gave them to me. I was very lucky. Right place at the right time.Deception Pass Plug? I was unaware of this product’s existence until just now. Did you press the plug yourself or did Sutliff make a plugged version? I love Deception Pass and would jump at the opportunity to try the plug version.
Unreal! Awesome Radice…Simply Red in a Radice Silk Cut 55
Beautiful pipe.JC DP Burley in a Scovgaard
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Amazing. Thanks for clueing me in. Right place, right time for sure. You’re a lucky dog…that loves feral cats! Thanks again, Jim.When I was at the Sutliff plant a couple of years ago, they had bags of DP plugs, Match Victorian plugs, and a couple of straight Va. plugs in a dump carrier. Rather than throw them away (I have absolutely no idea why they rejected most of them), they gave them to me. I was very lucky. Right place at the right time.
I came to realize that one of them was a rejected Hogshead prototype when I got a tin of Hogshead to review. The differences were not that great, but just enough that I noticed.
The plugs are old style English dense, and wonderful. I can understand rejecting the Hogshead prototype because, as good as it is, it's not quite as good as what they are selling. But, I enjoy smoking it and the others.