I'm smoking C&D Virginia Gentleman in a straight smooth dark brown pre-1940s Comoy’s Jost’s Olde English Supreme J299 Canadian with a tapered black vulcanite stem. How about you folks?
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I just finished a three day stint of smoking only Pirate Kake. Got back to a more regular program because I'm still breaking in about 8 or 9 pipes (with two more coming to hopefully complete the madness) and i don't think an overwhelmingly lat based tobacco is the thing to break in pipes. Could be wrong, but there were also many blends that I have that I haven't smoked more than once or twice so I wanted to get back to that arena.
Currently I'm mixing up the pipes I'm smoking with. Concentrating on breaking in the Falcons with English blends, because I like them, and the Falcon's were bought for outdoor fishing afternoons when trout are in the doldrums, and English blends are what I'll be smoking in them on outings.
I just finished a fantastic late afternoon bowl of "Sunday Picnic" in a well broken in 9" stem McQueen Ashwood Russet, and I'm going to have an evening smoke in a straight pipe not yet chosen, but the tobacco will be some kind of gooey aromatic, probably Autumn Evening, which is one of those tobaccos I bought a tin of to try and haven't smoked yet.
That's a beautiful pipe you showed us, by the way!
Here's a pic of my 9" Russet i smoked the Sunday Picnic with this afternoon. It's the vertical pipe, bowl just below my hand.