The rain stopped, and I got in a set of walking reps in the steamy heat and humidity. Harry the Hairy and Abner the Eager kept me a little company until Harry got belligerent toward Abner. I picked Abner up, and consoled him for a couple minutes before I finished walking. Anyway, I'm close to the finish on this bowl of year 2016 D&R Three Sails in an undated straight brush etched black Molina apple with a nickel band and a tapered black vulcanite stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink. Earlier, I mentioned that Molly Danger had ventured out of the bedroom, but wouldn't go to the den. Well, she finally came to the den for a few minutes, and then the kitchen to eat some dry food, but she got nervous, and went back to the bedroom. I was very pleased to see that.