Half way through this bowl of Ascanian No. 1 in a straight smooth dark brown 1930s (Comoy’s) The Exmoor Pipe 283 chubby Rhodesian with a tapered black vulcanite stem.
Now smoking Chris Morgan Jackalope in a straight smooth medium brown year 1912 Henry Tongue bulldog with a silver cap and band and an amber saddle stem with an orific bit.
Almost half way through this bowl of KBV Orange Thunder (Golf Series) in a 2003 medium bent Ural meer with a lined and etched egg shaped bowl with a silver band and a brown pearl acrylic stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink. Working on a review of this blend while watching the Braves-Nats game.
I've been refurbishing a 20 year old bass boat recently so haven't been posting. Just finished a bowl of Sir Walter Raleigh in a Molina Devil Anse. 69 pages to catch up on, Yikes!