Thanks! My first smoke today was delightful. First two Ropp pipes I’ve owned. My first impression is they are a well made, functional smoking vessel that provides a great smoke. I bought them for the bowl size and value ( price point) they provide. Great pipe to smoke around the homestead.You will LOVE your J16. I plan on getting a rusticated version one day. (I have the smooth, and I'll be posting my Mad Fiddler smoke of this evening later on in the evening.. Along with my Ropp J07, the Brigham Tundra Rhodesian (entry level model!!), the McQueen miniature Barrel Rider I just posted about 20 minutes ago, and my Savinelli Avorio - these are my best smoking pipes of the 3 dozen I own. And except for the Sav, none of these break the bank.
The J04 also looks delightful, but I have no experience with it. Bravo!
Have a blessed evening.