Afternoon smoke. A bit of an experiment. I have had the best smoke on this Falcon ever a week or so ago, when I smoked
TobaccoBarn's Traditional English in this bantam bowl,. I posted this a week or so ago. Today, on a hunch, I smoked a bowlful of my stalwart Navy
, Black Frigate, and got a **** smoke. Excellent.
Reason, when I have two pipes, a miniature McQueen longstem, and my delightful Ropp J05, both dedicated to this tobacco? Cuz theyhey give ***** smokes. Yeah, the J05 is probably the quirkiest pipe I own. It needs to be cajoled, and fiddled with, and all kinds of interesting things, but the relationship between this pipe and Black Frigate is akin to a tough but solid guy who marries a totally off the wall babe, quirky as all get out.
But they work together. Perfectly. I'm sure you all have seen relationships like this, and perhaps are even in one.
So why tamper with success, you might ask (but probably couldn't care less?) Because the Falcon is my travel pipe, and I'm showing my travel kit to you. It's sturdy, smokes English/Navy very very well (the bantam bowl is dedicated to this genre), so when I'm at the range taking a break, or over at someone else's pad for a puff, I'm not going to pack a couple of delicate pipes, but now I can take the stalwart BF, put a bowlful in a 35mm film container of which I have in abundance cuz I shoot film a lot, and the Falcon is as tough as a pipe can get. Need 2 smokes? I take an extra bowl.
I'm constantly amazed at how well all my Falcons handle Navies, Englishes, and Codgers. About the best choices for these fodders methinks, eh? And the whole kit and kaboodle fits into a very small zip case, except for the jar which is only in this shot as a prop. Life is good.