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Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Enjoyed a tasty lunch, and am closing in on the half way mark of this bowl of year 2020 Watch City Rouxgaroux in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY Natural 4AB No. 6/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Lavazza Classico, neat, is my drink. Watching a documentary about Houdini's diaries.


Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Did a second set of walking reps, and am close to finishing this bowl of year 2015 D&R A.B. Rimboche in an undated slight bend, smooth flame grain Wessex Standard egg with a brown accent on the black vulcanite saddle stem. Sam the Scamp and Abner the Eager showed up to eat.


Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Now smoking Ken Byron Ventures Jim’s Special Flake 2023 in a 1984 black rusticated full bend Peterson Mark Twain military mount egg with a silver cap and tapered black vulcanite p-lip stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink. Abner is snoozin' by my side.
Dec 3, 2021
Pennsylvania & New York
2019 Hearth & Home Anniversary blend in this old Civic. I just found this copy of Ulysses in a local charity shop and thought maybe third time lucky, the last time I attempted it was in the 90’s and I’m determined to get through it this time. Even if I do feel like beating my head against the wall after the first twenty pages. View attachment 276148
...and then it will be "Finnegans Wake" time! Good Luck!
Thank you Christos, I think I’m gonna need a lot of luck and patience. 🙏

When I was a freshman in college, my Introduction to Literature teacher spent an entire month on the opening paragraph (or chapter, more likely in retrospect) of a James Joyce novel—it was probably A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, as I remember “moocow” being in our discussion. We examined nearly every word and how each one was loaded with multiple meanings and how Joyce attempted to embed the history of English language in his use of his invented, conflated words. The teacher talked about how Joyce spent something like thirty years writing Finnegans Wake with virtually every word deliberately having multiple meanings. If it took Joyce thirty years to write it, I thought it could take a lifetime to decipher!

I aced the test on Dubliners by writing about the symbolism I found in the use of particular words (kind of stream of consciousness bullshit with some grounded basis on my part). At the end of the semester, the teacher sat me down and told me that she wanted to place me in the advanced James Joyce class on Ulysses next semester. I busted my ass academically in art high school, but didn’t feel up to that in art college. I thanked her and politely declined. I ended up taking Advanced Creative Writing with another teacher (Martin Smith, author of Flora‘s Dream and Goodbye, Philip Roth) for the next seven semesters at SVA; it was his Detective Fiction course that started me on my lifelong pursuit of collecting the work of mystery writer, Ross Macdonald.

In my many years of book collecting, I’ve read a lot of dealer catalogues. It’s my understanding that Joyce tinkered with the text of Ulysses as various printings of the book were done. If I recall correctly, serious Joyce collectors need the first eight printings of the book because Joyce changed the text in each run!

I love holograph manuscripts because they capture the author’s thinking process on paper. Here’s my facsimile edition of James Joyce’s Ulysses manuscript:


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