I've been getting a lot of mileage out of C&D's Bayou Night lately, and just finished a bowl in a Peterson Aran sitter pipe, my current favorite pipe. I had one tin of Bayou Night - my first - but instead of buying another tin as the first was running out, I bought eight ounces of it in bulk, to see how the bulk version compared. It's great, and it seems like it's become an all-day blend for me, at least during this vacation week when the terms morning and nighttime lose their meaning. If Early Morning Pipe was sold in bulk I'd surely be smoking that, and I also enjoy Peter Stokkebye's Fourth-Generation Morning Blend which is sold in bulk. It's like smoking a bowl of Corn Flakes! I've got a jar of that too. But I've been opting for Bayou Night over those two. I guess on Monday morning I need to return to reality and go back to EMP or the Stokkebye Morning Blend.