Starting off the new year with some of my SPC Plum Pudding with a light flavoring of Buffalo Trace Bourbon & Flan Carmel Vanilla in a Dunhill Cumberland Apple 6101.
Now smoking Wilke #44 in a smooth medium bend post-WW2 Pre-Republic Peterson Shamrock Killarney 9BC with a sterling silver band and a black vulcanite p-lip stem. Rewriting a few old reviews.
HU Director's Cut in a Peterson's Kerry 05 pipe, after our first 2020 New Years Day roast dinner with all trimmings earlier & TWO bowls of trifle, as guest of my sister's family.
Now smoking Wilke High Hat in a 2003 medium bent Ural meer with a lined and etched egg shaped bowl with a silver band and a pearl brown acrylic saddle stem.
Just finished smoking Watch City Off the Rails in a medium bend raw sienna toned early Radice sandblast egg with bamboo carving on the shank and a black acrylic saddle stem.