Amphora Burley Blend in a BriarWorks Poker.
jaytex1969 Lifer Jun 6, 2017 9,660 52,107 Here Feb 1, 2020 #3,321 Amphora Burley Blend in a BriarWorks Poker. Reactions: rushx9, charf, upnorth1 and 1 other person
jttnk Lifer Dec 22, 2017 1,710 10,746 Phoenix, AZ Feb 1, 2020 #3,322 Balkan Sobranie in a Nording Freehand. Reactions: marlinspike, Kilgore Trout, rushx9 and 4 others
hauntedmyst Lifer Feb 1, 2010 4,014 20,813 Chicago Feb 1, 2020 #3,323 After a very long day of work and a fund raiser, I finally get to enjoy trying some Happy Brown Bogie in an Astley diamond shanked billiard. It’s delicious but wet. I need to chop it more. Reactions: marlinspike, Kilgore Trout, rushx9 and 3 others
After a very long day of work and a fund raiser, I finally get to enjoy trying some Happy Brown Bogie in an Astley diamond shanked billiard. It’s delicious but wet. I need to chop it more.
upnorth1 Lifer Oct 7, 2017 1,056 4,030 La Belle Province, Canada Feb 1, 2020 #3,324 Sutliff Edgeworth Ready Rubbed match in a Dr. Thomas Special with Bulleit bourbon and a Jameson Irish coffee. Reactions: Kilgore Trout, rushx9, hauntedmyst and 1 other person
Sutliff Edgeworth Ready Rubbed match in a Dr. Thomas Special with Bulleit bourbon and a Jameson Irish coffee.
hauntedmyst Lifer Feb 1, 2010 4,014 20,813 Chicago Feb 1, 2020 #3,325 And now some BSOM Match. Reactions: rushx9
rushx9 Lifer Jul 10, 2019 2,299 17,246 43 Shelby, NC Feb 1, 2020 #3,326 Finishing the day the same way I started it, with Holker Twist in a Zombie Cavalier. 'Night, all. (pic from earlier) Reactions: Kilgore Trout
Finishing the day the same way I started it, with Holker Twist in a Zombie Cavalier. 'Night, all. (pic from earlier)
cigrmaster Lifer May 26, 2012 20,248 57,314 67 Sarasota Florida Feb 1, 2020 #3,327 2012 Wessex Brown Virginia Flake in a Rad Davis Apple. Reactions: Kilgore Trout