Most welcome! Should add that a 2 1/2 year old is not that big - if you dress it, bone it, skin it, and pack it out or (into a box if it was unlucky enough to be munching grass or foliage on the roadside) that's only about 35 pounds, or with the ribs and liver (best parts! bear liver is the besI you'll ever eat,) maybe 50. I could do the whole job roadside in about half an hour, and as prime time is just before dark, that works.
That's not a lot of meat for a year, and counting rabbits and store bought, one or at most two bear a year is not excessive. I usually took two if I was making sausage. So indiscriminate wildlife slaughter, it ain't.
Counting that, and the bountiful trout up here, which I mostly canned, I ate pretty well! All this was of course shared with Mom and Dad and my sister, too. Even the ubiquitus squawfish or suckers would be canned occasionally, as well - add a couple of drops of liquid hickory smoke to the process and they made a fine sandwich. All those bones just melted away. Guests would love them, and when they asked what fish it was, I'd lie, "rock cod".