Both Mike and Stu dropped over last night, and we basically smoked our brains out, 3 pipes and a cigar each. First two pipes I had:
Started off with
Autumn Evening in my
Falcon International.
I have been thrilled with the Falcon Pipes for Navies, Englishes and Codgers, but not so thrilled with them with respect to aromatics. Only one success so far in this direction - the over the top Captain Black Cherry, which in my experience starts of tasting like a cough drop but smooths out half way through. Autumn Evening also performed very will in the bowl shown above that I have reserved for aros, but I'll give it a *** rather than the **** it got on the other two pipes I'd tried it it. So when I use the Falcon's in future for aros, it'll be with these two tobaccos and this bow.
The second evening's smoke was
Mad Fiddler in my
McQueen Barrel Rider. This known quantity (dedicated pipe) was the expected Excellent.
Third smoke was a bit of a surprise:
Stuart presented me with about 2 ounces of one of his favourite tobaccos,
Mr B's English Mix (Brighams in the USA, I believe) of which I smoked a bowlful in my English dedicated
McQueen Seafarer, a truly wonderful smoking pipe. And this tobacco, to my tastes, was excellent and so was the smoke itself. It is available locally, and even though it's $65 a pouch, I will splurge occasionally because I want to do my part to keep our only tobacconist in town alive.
The evening ended with a cigar - my choice was a simple
Colt Whiskey, a great end to a great time. Beverage? Cold coffee of course. The only drink for a marathon, eh?