Just finished smoking year 2019 C&D Yorktown in an 1890s smooth straight NPW cutty with a silver band and bone stem. Sleepy Suzy is by my side. Tomato the Brave was on my lap for a while a second time. Daisy the Feral Princess is still snoozin' by my feet.
Passing the first third of this bowl of year 2019 C&D Derringer in a late 1890s, early 1900s straight smooth brown unbranded billiard with an A&D silver cap and ferrule with a tapered amber stem and orific bit. Reading while this bowl lasts, and then it'll be time for sleep.
good morning, burned a day of pto to work at home cleaning up after the last ice storm and to get ahead of the wind coming in on Wednesday. smoking some dark plug in a Peterson 80s short army before I head out. happy friday
Hamborger Veermaster, of course, in a Jesse Jones pipe, of course. Heading down to Columbus to visit Dad. We’ll probably spend some time picking guitars.