- Gingers, eh? What's to do with 'em?All the ferals are in, and are mostly behaving. The exception is the over active Tomato the Brave, who has attacked two carpets, my left foot, a table leg, and then jumped up to grab my left hand. Daisy the Feral Princess suggested a white coat and a padded room for the boy.
Scottish Cake is one of my absolute favourites: what do you think of it?Robert Mc Connell Scottish Cake, gifted to me by a fellow pipe smoker, member of our club, who decided to move towards the cigar land. Also got 3 pipes from him.
In a Canasta (low cost series from Ardor).
Have a nice Sunday good people!
@Scottmi Nice pipe & good baccy choice.Enjoying Ampersand Flake in the little clay with coffee on this fine Flaketastic February! morning.
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Thats a hell of a pipe!Some Star of the East in my LCS Briars 5-star Chrysalis. Love the blend and the pipe!
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