Celebrated our horse's 16th birthday and yet another successful (meaning all my vital organs are still intact and my mailbox has no legal threats in it) interaction with the in-laws with a nice big bowl of Savinelli 140th Anniversary in a Stefano rhodesian. Looking forward to a few dry days here to make the earth walkable in footwear other than mudboots for a change. 9/10
Bird report: Dark-eyed junco, White-crowned sparrow, Chipping sparrow, California towhee, House finch, American crow, California scrub-jay, Steller's jay, American robin, Spotted towhee, Oak titmouse, White-breasted nuthatch, Mountain chickadee, Northern flicker, Hairy woodpecker, and Western bluebird.
Speaking of birthdays, listening to some Steve Roach, my favorite ambient artist, who turns 70 tomorrow. Chicken soup for dinner, which is another great reward for having gotten all of my kvetching out of the way. Shavuatov!